Holistic Student Wellness Initiative
Through the Holistic Student Wellness Initiative, we aim to align students’ living, learning and working environment with our stated values concerning their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.
The initial work will be led by a core committee of 20 faculty, staff and students, and will entail:
- developing an expansive definition of wellness and thriving across a student’s journey from applicant to alumni.
- using quantitative and qualitative data to measure and understand wellness among students from various backgrounds and experiences.
- assessing the degree to which current systems, practices and policies support or challenge student wellness.
- proposing new and expanded programs, ways of operating and other creative approaches that foster student wellness.
Updates and progress
Sep 17, 2024
Holistic Student Wellness update and call for ideas
Dear RISD community,
The Holistic Student Wellness committee is grateful to the hundreds of students, faculty, staff and alumni who shared their input to help us build a better understanding of the ways in which RISD's environment supports and/or hinders student wellness. In addition to this invaluable feedback, the committee has explored RISD-specific and national data on student wellness, research about Gen Z and successful student support models from other institutions.
Based on this and other inputs, the committee has identified five areas of opportunity where change should be made.
- A community and culture that values and supports the sustained balancing of art and design practice, professional activity and wellness.
- Schedules and workloads that can be balanced to accommodate academic responsibilities, professional activities and wellness.
- Fully accessible and well-coordinated services across academic departments and student support offices.
- Equitable and clearly communicated services, expectations, policies and opportunities.
- A caring, connected community where all identities are welcomed, belong and valued.
The committee now is focused on developing recommendations in these areas for President Williams, and we want your help! What ideas—big and small—should the committee consider?
Please take a few minutes to submit your ideas in this quick input form by September 25. All submissions will be shared with, and considered by, the committee.
Thank you for your contributions in support of student wellness.
Bethany Jankunis (she/her), Vice President of Strategy and Planning
Spencer Evans (he/him), Associate Professor, Experimental and Foundation Studies
Holistic Student Wellness committee co-chairs
June 18, 2024
Holistic Student Wellness Committee spring update
The Holistic Student Wellness committee continued its work throughout the spring semester by looking at research and available data about student wellness, as well as gathering feedback from more than 484 students, staff, faculty and alumni within the RISD community.
The committee is grateful to everyone who shared their experiences and perspectives about student wellness at RISD and is using these views to inform our work. We look forward to engaging our community again this fall as we draft recommendations for how RISD's environment can better enable wellness for all students.

Feb 29, 2024
Holistic Student Wellness Committee update
Over Wintersession, the Holistic Student Wellness committee continued its work to better understand the student wellness landscape at RISD and benefit from the insights of units whose core charge is to support students or who interact with students frequently. We have also spoken with some student groups working to support the wellbeing of their peers, such as Resident Advisors and Health and Wellness Ambassadors. From these and previous meetings, along with continued committee discussions, we are discerning interesting themes, challenges and opportunities to explore.
The committee now is focusing on engaging the broader RISD community of students, faculty, staff and alumni to benefit from the array of experiences, perspectives and creative approaches it offers. This engagement has begun with the release of a Community Feedback Form (open February 29 through March 11) and will continue with a series of community discussion roundtables.
All feedback will advance the committee’s understanding of the student wellness environment at RISD and inform the committee’s recommendations for strengthening it.
Sep 5, 2023
September 20 committee kickoff
The Holistic Student Wellness committee will formally begin its work at its first meeting on September 20, 2023. Spencer Williams, assistant professor in Experimental and Foundation Studies, and Bethany Jankunis, vice president of strategy and planning, will co-chair the committee’s work.
June 22, 2023
Announcement of committee membership
Dear Faculty and Staff,
On May 9, President Williams announced two initiatives that will strengthen RISD for the future and set the stage for our next strategic planning process: the Holistic Student Wellness Initiative and the Financial Optimization Initiative. I write today to provide an update on these initiatives and announce the members of the core committees, which will drive the work and lead our community’s engagement in these efforts.
As you will recall, to provide the widest pool of candidates and build the most robust and representative committees, we invited all faculty and staff to self-nominate, and we gathered nominations from Cabinet, Deans, and managers. With the goal of building 20-person committees that are as representative as possible of our full community, we selected members for the core committees based on stakeholder group, division or unit, subject matter expertise, personal backgrounds and experience, and other factors.
The Holistic Student Wellness Initiative aims to provide a comprehensive examination of student wellness, including the degree to which the living, learning and working environments we provide for students are consistent with our stated values concerning their physical, emotional and mental well-being. In addition to two student leaders to be named this fall, members of this committee are:
- Patricia Barbeito - Professor, Literary Arts and Studies
- David Carreon Bradley - Vice President, Social Equity and Inclusion
- Janice DeFrances - Senior Lecturer, Teaching + Learning in Art + Design
- Ginnie Dunleavy - Executive Director, Auxiliary Services
- Spencer Evans - Assistant Professor, Experimental and Foundation Studies
- Holly Gaboriault – Assistant Professor-in-Residence, Illustration
- Touba Ghadessi - Provost
- Alison Huff - Academic Division Manager, Fine Arts
- Bethany Jankunis - Vice President of Strategy and Planning & Senior Advisor to the President
- Tony Johnson - Associate Dean, Student Social Equity and Inclusion
- Elyana Kadish- Health Educator, Student Affairs
- Maya Krinsky - Associate Director, Multilingual Learning and Inclusive Teaching
- Deborah Levans - Director, Counseling and Psychological Services
- Khipra Nichols - Associate Professor, Industrial Design
- Jennifer Prewitt-Freilino - Dean, Liberal Arts
- Sara Rothenberger - Associate Dean of Students, Student Affairs
- Joanne Stryker - Dean, Experimental and Foundation Studies
- Brian Ulrich - Department Head and Associate Professor, Photography
The Financial Optimization Initiative aims to strengthen our long-term financial sustainability, maximize the use of our limited funds and build new and expanded revenue streams that strengthen our financial base and support our mission. Members of this core committee are:
- Alejandro Borsani - Associate Professor, Experimental and Foundational Studies
- Jennifer Bose - Deputy Director, Museum Finance and Operations
- David Carreon Bradley - Vice President, Social Equity and Inclusion
- John Caserta - Dean, Architecture and Design
- Sarah Cunningham - Vice Provost, Strategic Partnerships
- Bob DiMuccio - Board of Trustees
- Susan Doyle - Professor, Illustration
- Fabian Fondriest – Board of Trustees
- Richard Gann- Senior Critic, Illustration
- Touba Ghadessi - Provost
- Brooks Hagan - Dean, Fine Arts
- Brandon Ice - Director of Operations, Student Affairs
- Bethany Jankunis - Vice President of Strategy and Planning & Senior Advisor to the President
- Leora Maltz-Leca - Professor, Theory and History of Art and Design
- Jorge Mejia - Director, Auxiliary Business Affairs and Budget
- Rick Mickool - Chief Information Officer
- David Rosati - Senior Vice President, Finance and Administration
- Jack Silva - Vice President, Campus Services
- Nicholas Ventola - Technical Assistant III, Experimental and Foundation Studies
- JOFF - Associate Professor, Apparel Design
Thank you to these individuals for committing to lead this important work, which will begin formally this fall. It is clear that in order to be successful and maximize the impact of these efforts we must engage the insights, expertise, passion and creativity of our full community. We will create many ways to do so throughout this process and look forward to you joining us in this work.
Bethany Jankunis
Vice President of Strategy and Planning & Senior Advisor to the President
May 9, 2023
Update and call for committee volunteers from President Williams
Dear Faculty and Staff,
Today we kickoff planning for two initiatives that will strengthen RISD for the future and set the stage for our next strategic planning process.
The Financial Optimization Initiative (formerly the Financial Sustainability Task Force) aims to strengthen our long-term financial sustainability, maximize the use of our limited funds and build new and expanded revenue streams that strengthen our financial base, and increase resources to support our core mission. The initial work will include:
- a review of the institution’s business model, including its strengths and vulnerabilities, and recommendations for alternative future models.
- a deep analysis of RISD's historical spending, including identifying and quantifying longstanding, complex academic and administratively inefficient practices and structures, along with recommendations for alternative ways of operating in these areas.
- identification and feasibility analyses of opportunities to increase revenue from non-traditional sources.
The Holistic Student Wellness Initiative aims to provide a comprehensive examination of student wellness, including the degree to which the living, learning and working environments we provide for students are consistent with our stated values concerning their physical, emotional and mental well-being. The initial work will include:
- developing an expansive definition of wellness and thriving across a student’s journey from applicant to alumni.
- using quantitative and qualitative data to measure and understand overall wellness among subsets of students.
- assessing the degree to which current systems, practices and policies support or challenge student wellness and recommendations for change
- proposing new and expanded programs and other creative approaches that foster student wellness.
These initiatives have been carefully shaped to integrate the thoughtful feedback and advice that I have received from members of our community about their hopes for future planning. The initiatives will:
- Dig into complex institutional challenges that have been repeatedly identified and long-recognized but not fully addressed.
- Be deeply collaborative and engage all constituencies through each stage, allowing us to benefit from the great expertise, passion and creativity of our faculty, staff, students, alumni and board members.
- Begin- not end- with a robust exploration of each topic and the development of findings and recommendations led by a core committee. With continued community engagement, we then will prioritize from among the recommendations, develop operational plans and timelines, then implement them.
- Be transparent, including regularly sharing information and progress updates through a variety of vehicles, including email, in-person presentations and an interactive webpage.
The work for each initiative will be led by a small, multi-stakeholder core committee of 15- 20 members charged with engaging and convening the community deeply in its work, then shaping findings and recommendations that are responsive to the initiative's charge. This work will begin fully in the fall and continue for approximately 1½ years. Core committees will include some members appointed directly because of their subject matter expertise or position and others appointed following self-nomination. Members of the Dean’s Council and Cabinet will provide input into the composition of each committee to ensure committees are comprised of a broad range of stakeholders, subject matter expertise, and experience. Bethany Jankunis, vice president of strategy and planning and senior advisor to the president, will hold responsibility for launching and leading both initiatives.
If you would like to self-nominate for Core Committee membership, please complete this brief form for the Financial Optimization Initiative or this form for the Holistic Student Wellness Initiative by Tuesday, May 15.
I look forward to receiving your nomination and fully launching these important initiatives early this fall.
Crystal (she/her)
- Patricia Barbeito - dean, Liberal Arts
- Kaz Bradley - student, Sculpture 2027
- Janice DeFrances - senior lecturer, Teaching + Learning in Art + Design
- Ginnie Dunleavy - executive director, Auxiliary Services
- Spencer Evans - associate professor, Experimental and Foundation Studies
- Holly Gaboriault - critic, Illustration
- Touba Ghadessi - provost
- Waverly Huang - student, Industrial Design 2026
- Alison Huff - academic division manager, Fine Arts
- Bethany Jankunis - vice president of Strategy and Planning & senior advisor to the President
- Tony Johnson - assistant vice president, Student Social Equity and Inclusion
- Elyana Kadish - health educator, Health Education and Promotion
- Maya Krinsky - associate director, Multilingual Learning and Inclusive Teaching, Center for Arts & Language
- Deborah Levans - director, Counseling and Psychological Services
- Ray Quirolgico - vice president, Student Life
- Sara Rothenberger - associate dean of students, Student Life
- Paige Sias - student, Apparel Design 2026
- Brian Ulrich - associate professor, Photography
- Clement Valla - dean, Experimental and Foundation Studies
- Lothar Windels - professor, Furniture Design
Past Members:
- Zaineb Aljumayaat - student, Illustration 2025
- David Carreon Bradley - vice president, Social Equity and Inclusion
- Khipra Nichols - associate professor, Industrial Design
- Jennifer Prewitt-Freilino - former dean, Liberal Arts
- Joanne Stryker - former dean, Experimental and Foundation Studies
How to get involved
The committee is dedicated to engaging the insights, expertise, passion and creativity of our full community. Look for announcements about opportunities for community members to share their observations, insights and ideas throughout this process. We also invite you to share your thoughts at any time via email to strategy@risd.edu.