Luca Depardon
Luca Ogawa Depardon is an animator and illustrator from NYC. His animations are playful fusions of traditional and experimental animation techniques, daydreams, inventive editing and funky characters. His films have been featured internationally at places such as the Centré Pompidou, LoopdeLoop Melbourne and the Animation Block Party. Depardon has also done freelance work for such clients as VICE, The Children’s Museum of the Arts in NYC, The Wall Street Journal and Adult Swim. He earned his BFA in Illustration from RISD.
Fall 2024 Courses
FAV 5105-01
In this course students explore the fundamentals of animated movement, timing, and materials through various animation techniques, including working directly on film, drawing on paper, pixilation, cut-out animation, and modified-base processes. Over the course of the semester, students will create six short animations and a wide range of animated films will be studied to augment the student's understanding of the field.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $40.00
Please contact for permission to register.
Major Requirement | BFA Film/Animation/Video
Wintersession 2025 Courses
FAV W502-101
This course is designed to explore different animation techniques and materials, including working directly on film, drawing on paper, painting under the camera, object animation, cut-outs, and pixilation. It also teaches the fundamentals of animated movement and timing. Students in this course each make six short animations, with separate, synchronized sound tracks. At the end of the course, students create a DVD compilation of all their projects. A wide range of independent animated films are screened to demonstrate different techniques and approaches to animation.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $65.00