Duane Slick

Duane Slick is a Meskwaki painter and storyteller whose visual work includes black-and-white photo-realist paintings on linen and glass. His work has been described as “dream paintings whose aim is the exploration of matters spiritual, not physical.”
Born in Waterloo, IA, Slick earned his BFA in painting from the University of Northern Iowa and his MFA in painting from the University of California, Davis. He began teaching painting and printmaking at RISD in 1995 and has also lectured at colleges and universities across the US and taught at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, NM.
Slick’s work has been exhibited widely—most recently at the Albert Merola Gallery in Provincetown, MA and at RK Projects in New York City—and is included in the collections of the National Museum of the American Indian in New York City, the Eiteljorg Museum in Indianapolis, and the De Cordova Museum in Lincoln, MA, among many others. He is currently represented by the Albert Merola Gallery in Provincetown.
Fall 2024 Courses
PRINT 4648-01
This course primarily involves the search for a personal, idiosyncratic visual statement. Juniors will refine technical application, engage in experimentation and study historical/contemporary artists and movements as the course progresses from scheduled project orientation to more independent bodies of work involving printmaking and its combinations with other mediums. Installation and presentation of work created will be analyzed as a critical component. This course will encompass oral discussion and presentations. Critiques will be frequent, in individual and group format including a group mid-term critique and end of semester critique that includes an invited, guest critic. In addition to the visual component of the course, instruction in seminar form will comprise visual artist professional practice methods that involve resume, cover letter, and employment application. Presentation of work in gallery, museum and professional interaction formats will also be part of the course.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $100.00
Major Requirement | BFA Printmaking
PAINT 4514-02
The primary goal of this course will be to shift the responsibility of direction, problem-solving and problem- development from the Faculty Instructor to the student. But this will be accomplished with a great deal of faculty involvement and support. The class will begin with group assignments which will become increasingly independent. Group and individual critiques will continue as an integral part of the curriculum, with an emphasis on contemporary art and criticism.
Students are pre-registered for this course by the department; registration is not available in Workday. Enrollment is limited to Junior Painting Students.
Major Requirement | BFA Painting
Spring 2025 Courses
PAINT 4515-02
This will be a continuation of directions established in Painting III. Student work will be evaluated through group and individual critiques. Visiting Artist lectures will be important to the issues of contemporary art emphasized at this level. The department will schedule an individual review with a Faculty Committee for each student during this course.
Major Requirement | BFA Painting