Kate McNamara

Critic - Painting
Kate McNamara
BA, Hampshire College
MA, Bard College

Kate McNamara is a curator and educator invested in contemporary art and innovative curatorial practices. She is the founder of East Providence-based project space ODD-KIN, which focuses on contemporary art with a commitment to contextualizing pioneering and emerging artists and prioritizing conversations around reimagining kinship. McNamara is also the executive director of My HomeCourt, a nonprofit arts organization working with contemporary artists to revitalize city parks. McNamara holds an MA from The Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard and a BA from Hampshire College.  


Fall 2024 Courses

Level Undergraduate
Subject Painting
Period Fall 2024
Credits 3
Format Studio
Start date
End date

PAINT 4597-01


Level Undergraduate
Subject Painting
Period Fall 2024
Credits 3
Format Studio
Start and End 2024-09-04 to 2024-12-11
Times: TH | 1:10 PM - 6:10 PM Instructor(s): Kate McNamara Location(s): College Building, Room 510 Enrolled / Capacity: 15 Status: Open


This course would address many practical issues to do with becoming a professional artist after graduation. Some of these issues are: the commercial gallery, the not-for-profit gallery, museums, graduate programs, auction houses, grants, documentation of work, archival storage of work and restoration of artwork. Professionals from the gallery, museum and other fields will be invited to the class to share their expertise with the student. Artists will be invited to talk about their professional experiences. It is a seminar class addressed particularly to the senior painting student.


Spring 2025 Courses

Level Undergraduate
Subject Painting
Period Spring 2025
Credits 3
Format Seminar
Start date
End date

PAINT 4570-01


Level Undergraduate
Subject Painting
Period Spring 2025
Credits 3
Format Seminar
Start and End 2025-02-13 to 2025-05-23
Times: TH | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Instructor(s): Kate McNamara Location(s): Design Center, Room 210 Enrolled / Capacity: 15 Status: Open


Critical Curating will offer an in-depth and immersive introduction to curatorial practice, examining the art of exhibition-making from cultural and theoretical perspectives. The course looks at current and historical exhibitions that engage a range of public platforms, as well as artist practices invested in exhibition-making. The course also has a practical component, which will be an opportunity for students to develop and implement a public exhibition. 

The first half of the course will introduce students to the critical analysis of the curatorial field. We will experiment with writing for various curatorial activities including exhibition reviews, curatorial proposals, and research presentations; as well as conduct site visits to different exhibition platforms. The second half of the course will focus on the production of an exhibition collectively conceived and managed by the student cohort, which will take place in the President’s House and Memorial Hall’s gallery. Coursework will involve workshopping curatorial proposals, soliciting an on-campus open call for work, and overseeing the installation and design of the exhibition. Additionally, visiting curators and artists will give lectures throughout the course, as well as activities such as studio visits, screenings, and research.

Preference will be given to Painting Students.


Kate McNamara
BA, Hampshire College
MA, Bard College