Alumni Stories
Seven artists and designers will advance cross-cultural dialogue across Europe and Asia during the 2022–23 academic year.
The artist and MIT Media Lab Space Exploration Initiative Arts curator makes work that explores why the seemingly impossible is possible.
The audacious artist transforms seaborne plastics into maritime art at the Brooklyn Museum, driving home his message about their devastating environmental impact.
RISD cosponsors the annual SNAG conference and partners with precision tool manufacturer Lindström.
The New York Times profiles the Native American sculptor, Ceramics alum and rising star.
The RISD community comes together to honor graduating students driving change and to welcome new president Crystal Williams.
The Daily Beast reports on the recent alum’s $1.6 million May 19 sale at Sotheby’s auction house.
Current students and alums bring RISD’s critical making approach to this year’s exhibition at WantedDesign Manhattan and International Contemporary Furniture Fair in NYC.
Vogue profiles the Bahamian RISD Glass alum and board member.