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ARCH 201G-03
This course connects the methods, traditions, and conventions of architectural drawing with contemporary technology and representational cultures. This course recognizes that for architects to operate productively, politically, socially, and ethically given the ubiquity of the digital image, both an advanced command of computational techniques and drawing techniques are immediately and primarily necessary. The digital image is the standard by which aesthetic content is transmitted, published and processed. Its pervasive role in contemporary architectural culture-and humanity-is mediated and confronted in this course. Relatedly, material drawing traditions are essential, valuable and provocative. The techniques covered in this studio-taught course include the manual and automated manipulation of digital images and material drawings at dramatically varied scales and dimensions. A structure of creative prompts continually positions the drawing and the image in parallel, with an emphasis on developing students' sensibilities, and capacity for both improvisational and scripted constructions. Students will create from memory, from life, from imagination, and from reference. As a result, students develop an architectural language that can engage multiple media and subjects.
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Graduate Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | MArch: Architecture (3yr)
ARCH 202G-01
This course centers around the digital model as a thing to be built, as a multivalent medium for architectural discourse, and as representation of built form. This course uses abstraction as the common thread between its prerequisite, Architectural Drawing, and an inquiry into the elements, natures, structures, and forms of the complex, temporal, cultural, material and political construct often referred to as "the building." Operations in the course are the techniques of analysis, translation and synthesis. The contemporary digital model is delimited and constrained by architectural software. This course recognizes that expertise in multiple digital modeling software-from Rhino to Building Information Modeling (BIM)-is as imperative as are skills to manipulate, undermine, link, automate and hack the media that dominate the discipline of architecture. A series of creative prompts engage the computational principles that underpin all digital modeling software. This "under the hood" approach is balanced by "over the hood" approaches that see students designing workflows, automation and output between software and material. The course engages the digital model as sample, system, and database as well as continually interrogates the translational relationship between model and drawing and model and image.
Students are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Graduate Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | MArch: Architecture (3yr)
ARCH 202G-02
This course centers around the digital model as a thing to be built, as a multivalent medium for architectural discourse, and as representation of built form. This course uses abstraction as the common thread between its prerequisite, Architectural Drawing, and an inquiry into the elements, natures, structures, and forms of the complex, temporal, cultural, material and political construct often referred to as "the building." Operations in the course are the techniques of analysis, translation and synthesis. The contemporary digital model is delimited and constrained by architectural software. This course recognizes that expertise in multiple digital modeling software-from Rhino to Building Information Modeling (BIM)-is as imperative as are skills to manipulate, undermine, link, automate and hack the media that dominate the discipline of architecture. A series of creative prompts engage the computational principles that underpin all digital modeling software. This "under the hood" approach is balanced by "over the hood" approaches that see students designing workflows, automation and output between software and material. The course engages the digital model as sample, system, and database as well as continually interrogates the translational relationship between model and drawing and model and image.
Students are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Graduate Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | MArch: Architecture (3yr)
ARCH 202G-03
This course centers around the digital model as a thing to be built, as a multivalent medium for architectural discourse, and as representation of built form. This course uses abstraction as the common thread between its prerequisite, Architectural Drawing, and an inquiry into the elements, natures, structures, and forms of the complex, temporal, cultural, material and political construct often referred to as "the building." Operations in the course are the techniques of analysis, translation and synthesis. The contemporary digital model is delimited and constrained by architectural software. This course recognizes that expertise in multiple digital modeling software-from Rhino to Building Information Modeling (BIM)-is as imperative as are skills to manipulate, undermine, link, automate and hack the media that dominate the discipline of architecture. A series of creative prompts engage the computational principles that underpin all digital modeling software. This "under the hood" approach is balanced by "over the hood" approaches that see students designing workflows, automation and output between software and material. The course engages the digital model as sample, system, and database as well as continually interrogates the translational relationship between model and drawing and model and image.
Students are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Graduate Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | MArch: Architecture (3yr)
ARCH 202G-99
This course centers around the digital model as a thing to be built, as a multivalent medium for architectural discourse, and as representation of built form. This course uses abstraction as the common thread between its prerequisite, Architectural Drawing, and an inquiry into the elements, natures, structures, and forms of the complex, temporal, cultural, material and political construct often referred to as "the building." Operations in the course are the techniques of analysis, translation and synthesis. The contemporary digital model is delimited and constrained by architectural software. This course recognizes that expertise in multiple digital modeling software-from Rhino to Building Information Modeling (BIM)-is as imperative as are skills to manipulate, undermine, link, automate and hack the media that dominate the discipline of architecture. A series of creative prompts engage the computational principles that underpin all digital modeling software. This "under the hood" approach is balanced by "over the hood" approaches that see students designing workflows, automation and output between software and material. The course engages the digital model as sample, system, and database as well as continually interrogates the translational relationship between model and drawing and model and image.
Students are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Graduate Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | MArch: Architecture (3yr)
ARCH 2101-01
This course, the first in a two semester sequence, explores design principles specific to architecture. Two interrelated aspects of design are pursued:
- the elements of composition and their formal, spatial, and tectonic manipulation
- meanings conveyed by formal choices and transformations.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00 - $200.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Sophomore Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | BArch: Architecture
ARCH 2101-02
This course, the first in a two semester sequence, explores design principles specific to architecture. Two interrelated aspects of design are pursued:
- the elements of composition and their formal, spatial, and tectonic manipulation
- meanings conveyed by formal choices and transformations.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00 - $200.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Sophomore Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | BArch: Architecture
ARCH 2101-03
This course, the first in a two semester sequence, explores design principles specific to architecture. Two interrelated aspects of design are pursued:
- the elements of composition and their formal, spatial, and tectonic manipulation
- meanings conveyed by formal choices and transformations.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00 - $200.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Sophomore Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | BArch: Architecture
ARCH 2101-04
This course, the first in a two semester sequence, explores design principles specific to architecture. Two interrelated aspects of design are pursued:
- the elements of composition and their formal, spatial, and tectonic manipulation
- meanings conveyed by formal choices and transformations.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00 - $200.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Sophomore Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | BArch: Architecture
ARCH 2101-99
This course, the first in a two semester sequence, explores design principles specific to architecture. Two interrelated aspects of design are pursued:
- the elements of composition and their formal, spatial, and tectonic manipulation
- meanings conveyed by formal choices and transformations.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00 - $200.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Sophomore Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | BArch: Architecture
ARCH 2102-01
Design principles presented in the first semester are further developed through a series of projects involving actual sites with their concomitant physical and historic-cultural conditions. Issues of context, methodology, program and construction are explored for their possible interrelated meanings and influences on the making of architectural form.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00 - $200.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. This course is a requirement for Sophomore Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | BArch: Architecture
ARCH 2102-02
Design principles presented in the first semester are further developed through a series of projects involving actual sites with their concomitant physical and historic-cultural conditions. Issues of context, methodology, program and construction are explored for their possible interrelated meanings and influences on the making of architectural form.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00 - $200.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. This course is a requirement for Sophomore Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | BArch: Architecture
ARCH 2102-03
Design principles presented in the first semester are further developed through a series of projects involving actual sites with their concomitant physical and historic-cultural conditions. Issues of context, methodology, program and construction are explored for their possible interrelated meanings and influences on the making of architectural form.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00 - $200.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. This course is a requirement for Sophomore Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | BArch: Architecture
ARCH 2102-04
Design principles presented in the first semester are further developed through a series of projects involving actual sites with their concomitant physical and historic-cultural conditions. Issues of context, methodology, program and construction are explored for their possible interrelated meanings and influences on the making of architectural form.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00 - $200.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. This course is a requirement for Sophomore Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | BArch: Architecture
ARCH 2102-99
Design principles presented in the first semester are further developed through a series of projects involving actual sites with their concomitant physical and historic-cultural conditions. Issues of context, methodology, program and construction are explored for their possible interrelated meanings and influences on the making of architectural form.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00 - $200.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. This course is a requirement for Sophomore Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | BArch: Architecture
ARCH 2103-01
Rituals are performed in our day-to-day lives. They are both sacred and profane, loaded with ecumenical meaning, and/or devoid of theological origin. Rituals can be both ordinary and extraordinary, quotidian and divine. They come in different forms, and accordingly, rituals determine different forms and forms of life. This semester we will research mythologies embedded in our daily life. Ceremonies and rituals will serve as the chassis for us to plumb how we hold myths and stories in our imaginaries and our bodies. Rituals are spatial, temporal, and material practices. They are embodied performances and they span myriad genres and registers. Rituals function as states of exception, but in doing so, can reify the existing status quo. They can also embody liberatory potential and rupture world orders. Rituals will be explored as a world-making endeavor, a series of performances co-created and co-authored that reenact mythologies. The sonic and spatial registers of ritual procession will be looked at via scores and notations. This studio will be conducted as an experiment in collectivity. Sample outcomes could include an exhibition, archive, and/or publication. The intention is to create a body of work as a collection, but the process will be loosely determined as both a series of individual and group efforts. As a group we will determine the processes and outputs.
Estimated Cost of Materials: $100.00 - $200.00
ARCH 2108-01
The Urban Ecologies core studio introduces students to the city as a designed environment with an emphasis on sustainability, giving them the tools to work through impressions, analysis and design operations as ways to understand the relationship between naturally formed and culturally constructed landscapes and strategies for urban ecological development. Students confront the design of housing as a way to order social relationships and shape the public realm and attack the problems of structure, construction, access and code compliance in the context of a complex large-scale architectural design. Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00 - $200.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Junior Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | BArch: Architecture
ARCH 2108-02
The Urban Ecologies core studio introduces students to the city as a designed environment with an emphasis on sustainability, giving them the tools to work through impressions, analysis and design operations as ways to understand the relationship between naturally formed and culturally constructed landscapes and strategies for urban ecological development. Students confront the design of housing as a way to order social relationships and shape the public realm and attack the problems of structure, construction, access and code compliance in the context of a complex large-scale architectural design. Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00 - $200.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Junior Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | BArch: Architecture
ARCH 2108-03
The Urban Ecologies core studio introduces students to the city as a designed environment with an emphasis on sustainability, giving them the tools to work through impressions, analysis and design operations as ways to understand the relationship between naturally formed and culturally constructed landscapes and strategies for urban ecological development. Students confront the design of housing as a way to order social relationships and shape the public realm and attack the problems of structure, construction, access and code compliance in the context of a complex large-scale architectural design. Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00 - $200.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Junior Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | BArch: Architecture
ARCH 2108-99
The Urban Ecologies core studio introduces students to the city as a designed environment with an emphasis on sustainability, giving them the tools to work through impressions, analysis and design operations as ways to understand the relationship between naturally formed and culturally constructed landscapes and strategies for urban ecological development. Students confront the design of housing as a way to order social relationships and shape the public realm and attack the problems of structure, construction, access and code compliance in the context of a complex large-scale architectural design. Estimated Cost of Materials: $50.00 - $200.00
Majors are pre-registered for this course by the department. Enrollment is limited to Junior Architecture Students.
Major Requirement | BArch: Architecture